Friday, March 9, 2007


The prediction that I have made from the beginning was extremely different from what I thought what would have happened. In the beginning I thought the Manta Diablo is just a legend to scare kids out of a cave in the deep sea. And it belonged to a old man with all the pearls and treasure within it. However the Manta Diablo was true throughout the whole story. I only thought it was an old myth. But rather then a guy protecting the cave it was the Manta Diablo itself protecting it. It wasn’t any treasure but a very large pearl that was priceless. But it wasn’t just a huge pearl. It was flawless with the color of black on it. So it was more of a king’s jewelry rather than any town people jewelry. But then the Manta Diablo comes and finds out who took it and kills until the Pearl is given back to the its owner. Which is the Manta Diablo. In the end the main character gives up the pearl to the Manta Diablo because he knows it’s the best way to be safe and have respect to it. If not he will have great punishment to him and to the towns people.

Original- Write a different down fall

Rather the item being the great black pearl. I rather have it be small portable telescope. It would’ve been more interesting. The portable telescope could be a mystical way of finding great pearls. But the Manta Diablo is the keeper of it. However every time you use their shall be a consequence or a curse brought down towards the family that has been used. Since so many problems been caused of this small portable telescope the father tries to destroy it. But one of the members on the boat sees no point of destroying it but use it to be wealthy. The father is killed by the members on the ship. So the son is trying to fulfill the father’s duty and destroy it before it ruins every ones lives just because of ridiculous pearls out in the sea. Then it should be able to show that people lives are a lot more precious then some shiny accessory. People lives are priceless to anything in the world. No one is able to buy a human life back but buying a pearl is possible. So the suspense of it will be able to show that human lives are very important. It will cause a lot more drama and action towards the conclusion and at the end the son will destroy the telescope and the curse of all families will be released and everything will be fine. Even the Manta Diablo will disappear.


The main character’s father was a great man in the book. He was rich, famous, and a well respected man. His son (the main character) was well taught from his father. The father has great knowledge and is very wise. He is not greedy in any type of way what so ever. He owns a great ship that goes out towards the sea and hunts pearls as a living. But he isn’t just any pearl hunter but a great one that is known all over the nation. He has a great boat that shows his dignity towards the people of how much he worked. He leads his crew members to the sea risking his life to save all of them if they are in danger. Since the crew members know that he will do that for them they will also put their life into danger if he is in trouble or if they are given a command to do something. He shows so much leadership and trust towards everyone. He is a great example towards the main character, which he develops just like his father later on the book. Therefore I think that this man is perfect man even though he died later on the book. He has left a great imprint where he leaved and has become a somewhat hero and model towards the other people.

Q and A

What would’ve happened if the main character threw back the black pearl into the sea like the old man had told him to do? If the main character threw back the black pearl their would’ve been many answers to what would have happened to him. But one answers would’ve been that the Manta Diablo would’ve not just go away with the pearl but probably would’ve done a lot more then that. After the Manta Diablo got it’s pearl back I am guessing it would’ve destroyed many ships on the coast of the town where he lives. The reason for that is because he is showing him that if u take something from him he will also get the same punishment as him. But he shall not get back what he got but rather rebuild what he has lost. Another answer would’ve been taking his life into the deep blue sea. But he wont die but rather become a servant to the Manta Diablo for one hundred years then he will be set free again. But he wont be able to kill himself or age. Therefore he will have to fulfill the one hundred years of servant. If he tries to runaway or do anything stupid the Manta Diablo will destroy everything that he loved especially his town and his family.

Writer's Craft- symbolism

I think the greatest symbol that was took in place in the story was the Manta Diablo. Even though the Manta Diablo was a symbol of evil it was also a symbol of punishment. It was supposedly a god that lived in the sea. When ever someone said something bad about the Manta Diablo it was able to find out within seconds. Then he/she will be punished since he/she disrespected him. The Manta Diablo helped the main character become mature thru out the story. However the main character loses the people that are close to him and loses his father. But he learns that life is a cycle and matures thru the pain that he has gone thru. Manta Diablo is a symbol of punishment who ever does wrong towards no him but rather to other people. I think that is the greatest symbol that manta Diablo is. It is like a judge throughout the whole world in this book. It go seek justice that has to be done thru out the sea. The Manta Diablo balances out the world in the book to evil and good. In the book it says that the Manta Diablo is able to change its form to human, and kind of fish, and so many others. Therefore it is able to have so many forms.

Writers Craft-foreshadowing

Before I started the book I heard from many of my friends that the book is very good. Therefore I already had a image of what kind of book it will be. They said that it will be mysterious and have a little bit of action at the same time. By looking at the cover I was able to see that there was a very huge manta over a small rowboat. So it obviously told me that there was going to be some action in it. However the title was somewhat mysterious. The title was “The Black Pearl.” So obviously it was going to be something about a pearl. The pearl I am guessing is going to play a very big role with in the story. I am foreshadowing in the beginning a young boy goes out with a friend out to the sea to go find a great pearl. They find a not just any ordinary pearl but something greater than that. But that becomes a great journey that they will have to take. While traveling back they will run into monsters that will try and take the pearl from them but they are able to run away from them. However they meet the monster of all the great manta. But they were able to escape the monster and go back to their hometown and gained respect from the towns’ people. That is what I am foreshadowing in the story.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


If the guardian wanted to help the person that they are leading to the right road they would od everything to help him/her. But the person that is trying to help the victim exagerates that he put tears in his eyes, how he is a able to give hope and has hope. But that guardian doesnt do everything to help him but rather hides files from helping him. I think its ridiculous how people will lie to make them look good. Most likely people around the world are the same but I am hoping that people are able to re think that and try to really help eachother if they really care for one another.